Radar Site Installation
Radar Site Installation


Project Name: Toolik Lake Radar Site
Installation Criteria: 400 ea. Drilled and Cased Micropile
Project Lead: Tom DePeter
Equipment: Cat 320 and APE HD50 Top Drive
Installation Depths: 10′ to 25′
Jobsite Restrictions: Remote work area, Environmental concerns with large footprint equipment
Geotechnical Concerns: Dense Continuous Rock, Frozen Clays and Tundra
Pileworks supplied: Built custom drill tooling used in conjunction with APE HD top drive to drill through solid rock and frozen soils
Time to install single unit: 10 Minutes to drill with Down-the-hole Hammer, each location
Pileworks job influence: Designed Drilling system to run air tools that can be run on smaller excavators
Description: With -40 below and miles from the nearest town not being a big enough challenge already, Onyx undertook this project on with a stride that carried them all the way to project completion 3 weeks ahead of schedule. With no ice roads to work from,this configuration insured that minimal environmental damages would occur while running on top of the sensitive tundra.